Beautiful Bollywood actress Yami Gautam who made her acting debut with the TV serials ‘Chand Ke Paar Chalo’ and ‘Yeh Pyar Na Hoga Kam’ is often in the news headlines. She started her career in Bollywood with the film ‘Vicky Donor’ in which she was seen opposite Ayushmann Khurrana. The actress has made her mark in the industry on her own today and recently she revealed her parents’ reaction to this film.

Yami Gautam

These days an old interview clip of Yami Gautam is becoming increasingly viral on social media in which the actress was seen talking to India Today Conclave South about her film. Talking about her debut and career the actress said, “That was the time when I was auditioning with full enthusiasm. At that time, I also got the opportunity of a good launch. I was completely on my own. Whatever work I was doing was my step. There was no one to support me there.”

Yami Gautam

Yami stressed that she never faced disappointment while pursuing her career and said, “Fortunately, I have never had any incident that discouraged me from working in any industry. For me, as an artist, it never mattered what language the film is in.” Talking about her parents’ reaction to the film, the actress said, ‘When it came time to tell my parents about my role in the film, I was a little scared, but their reaction was really different, they immediately said, ‘Yeh toh bahut achhe hai.’

Yami Gautam

Let us tell you that ‘Vicky Donor’ was a romantic comedy film based on sperm donation in which Ayushmann played the role of sperm donor. The film received a good response at the box office. Yami Gautam and Ayushmann Khurrana later worked together again in films like ‘Agra Ka Dabra’ (2016) and ‘Bala’ (2019) and now the actress is married to Aditya Dhar who is a director.