Actor Mohan Babu has issued a public apology to a video journalist he allegedly assaulted outside his Hyderabad residence on Tuesday, following a physical altercation that has now escalated into legal proceedings. The actor expressed regret over the incident, explaining that he was acting in self-defence against what he described as “anti-social elements.”

In a post shared on his X account on Friday morning, Mohan Babu apologized to the media company the journalist is associated with, calling the situation “unfortunate.” He expressed deep sorrow over how a personal family dispute quickly spiralled into a larger, unintended conflict. “It pains me deeply that what started as a personal family dispute turned into something much more serious,” the actor wrote. He further explained that he had been hospitalized for health reasons over the past 48 hours, which had delayed his apology.

Mohan Babu detailed that when a group of 30 to 50 people, including “anti-social elements,” entered his home during the altercation, he lost his composure. In the ensuing chaos, the actor claimed the journalist was injured “in the heat of the moment” as the media inadvertently became involved. He extended his apologies to the journalist, his family, and the media company, while also wishing for the journalist’s swift recovery.

The incident, which occurred on December 10, has sparked significant legal attention. The police added an “attempt to murder” charge to the case following a complaint by the 35-year-old journalist. Initially, a case under Section 118 (1) of the Indian Penal Code, which addresses voluntarily causing hurt using dangerous weapons, was filed at the Pahadishareef police station. However, after further investigation and the journalist’s statement, the charge was upgraded to Section 109, which pertains to an attempt to murder.

According to the journalist’s complaint, he had visited Mohan Babu’s residence in Jalpally to cover an ongoing dispute between the actor and his younger son, Manoj Manchu. The journalist reported that when he and other media personnel arrived, they were met with aggressive behaviour from the actor. He alleged that Mohan Babu grabbed his microphone, used abusive language, and attacked him with the device, resulting in a head injury.