Famous South Indian actress Keerthy Suresh who has been in constant discussions for the past few days has married her long-term boyfriend Anthony Thattil. This wedding was a private ceremony that was held in Goa and was attended by only close friends and family members. Now after getting married Keerthy has shared her wedding pictures on her social media handle and has also written her heart out expressing love for her partner.

Keerthy Suresh And Anthony Thattil

South actress Keerthy Suresh shared some special pictures of her wedding on her Instagram handle from her wedding. In these beautiful pictures, Keerthy looked very beautiful in a South bride’s attire. During this, both Keerthy and Anthony looked very happy with each other. Keerthy shared these pictures on Instagram and wrote, ‘For the love of Nike.’

Keerthy Suresh And Anthony Thattil

In the pictures posted by the actress on social media, you can clearly see how happy Keerthy Suresh and Anthony Thattil are looking together. As soon as Anthony tied the mangalsutra around Keerthy’s neck, tears came to the bride’s eyes and she kept staring at Anthony lovingly. After this, both hugged each other and made this moment even more special. In another picture, Keerthy and Anthony are seen smiling and also playing with a dog and the bond of these two is clearly visible in this picture.

Keerthy Suresh And Anthony Thattil

If we talk about the work front of South actress Keerthy, then let us tell you that she will be seen in the film Baby John. Apart from her Varun Dhawan, Zara Jyana, Wamika Gabbi, Jackie Shroff, and Rajpal Yadav have also played lead roles in the film. Let us tell you that Baby John is a remake of Atlee’s 2016 Tamil film Theri. The film Baby John is directed by Kalij and fans of Varun are eagerly waiting for the release of the film.