Actor-turned-director Sonu Sood recently addressed the mixed reactions surrounding the action-packed sequences in his upcoming film Fateh. In an exclusive interview with India Today Digital, the actor, who also makes his directorial debut with the movie, shared insights into the creative process behind the high-octane action scenes and the use of masked fighters.

Sood praised the intense action in Fateh and Ranbir Kapoor’s performance in Animal, noting that audiences are increasingly drawn to gripping action scenes. However, one element that raised eyebrows was the use of masked fighters during some of the film’s major sequences. The decision, Sood explained, was not a creative choice but a practical one, born out of logistical constraints.

The film’s team faced the challenge of hiring around 70-80 fighters for several key action sequences. In one particular shot, Sood’s character was shown killing 70 people, but due to a shortage of available fighters, the same group was used for multiple sequences. As their faces had already been shown in earlier shots, the filmmakers decided to mask the fighters for the subsequent scenes. Sood clarified that while this might have drawn comparisons to Animal, the decision was based on necessity rather than creative intent.

In response to criticism surrounding the film’s intense action, which some labelled as “gore,” Sood defended the approach. He emphasized that modern audiences enjoy thrilling and high-stakes action but noted that it must be executed stylishly, with technical excellence, and still remain grounded in reality. He stated that the goal was to craft action sequences that were fresh, innovative, and engaging for viewers.

Fateh, which also stars Jacqueline Fernandez, Vijay Raaz, Naseeruddin Shah, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya, follows the journey of a man with a troubled past on a mission to rescue Jacqueline’s character from a Chinese cyber mafia. The film is set to release in theatres on January 10, 2025, and marks a significant milestone for Sood as a director.

Sood also reflected on his experience behind the camera, admitting that directing was both challenging and rewarding. As he transitions into filmmaking, the actor is eager for audiences to experience his unique vision for Fateh, which promises to deliver intense action and compelling storytelling.