Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan recently opened up about unsettling experiences with fans, including a shocking incident involving the wife of a powerful man who allegedly stalked him and broke into his house. Dhawan shared these revelations during a conversation with Ranveer Allahbadia on his YouTube channel while promoting his upcoming film, Baby John.

Recalling the alarming incident, Dhawan said, “The lady was the wife of a very powerful man. I can’t disclose his position, but she was being catfished. Someone was impersonating me and talking to her. She knew everything about my house and believed I was going to leave my family for her. It was very scary.”

The situation escalated when the woman showed up at his residence. “She came with someone, and it became a family matter. Female constables were called in, and they handled the situation,” Dhawan added, describing how the police intervened to resolve the issue.

Troubling Fan Interactions

The actor also revealed other unsettling fan encounters. “A fan once kissed me forcibly. I didn’t like it and made that clear. People have also pinched my butt,” Dhawan shared. Reflecting on these incidents, he said, “When such things happen to me, I immediately think about how much worse it must be for women. I feel bad for them because if this is happening to me, their experiences must be far more distressing.”

Focus on Baby John

Despite these troubling experiences, Dhawan remains focused on his upcoming release, Baby John. Directed by Kalees and produced by Atlee and Murad Khetani, the film is an adaptation of Thalapathy Vijay’s Tamil blockbuster Theri. Scheduled for a Christmas release, the film stars Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, and Jackie Shroff alongside Dhawan.

Baby John is expected to deliver high-octane action and emotional drama, with Dhawan stepping into a role that showcases his versatility as an actor. While he continues to deal with the challenges of fame, the actor remains committed to his craft and to entertaining his audience.