Boney Kapoor, the renowned filmmaker and husband of the late legendary actress Sridevi, has recently opened up about his weight loss journey and how his late wife played a significant role in motivating him. Known for her discipline and commitment to fitness, Sridevi had always been an inspiration to Boney, particularly when it came to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In an interview with News18, Boney shared how Sridevi’s health-conscious habits had a lasting impact on him. He recalled how she was always meticulous about her eating habits, knowing exactly when and what to eat. “She was very clear on when she wanted to eat and what she wanted to eat,” Boney said. While he admitted that he often struggled to maintain the same level of discipline, he acknowledged that her dedication to fitness had a lasting influence on him.

Boney revealed that Sridevi had always encouraged him to lose weight, and this encouragement continues to motivate him to this day. “I feel Sri is still around me, my wife is still around me, and motivating me to lose weight,” he shared, expressing how he still feels her presence guiding him in his life.

The filmmaker also shared that Sridevi had been an active partner in his fitness journey. They would often walk together and go to the gym as a couple. Boney’s commitment to his health has led to a remarkable physical transformation, which he recently showcased on social media. In the post, he revealed that he had lost 14 kilograms, with Sridevi’s memory and influence serving as his constant inspiration.

Sridevi, who tragically passed away on February 24, 2018, in Dubai, continues to be remembered as one of Bollywood’s most iconic stars. She is fondly remembered for her unforgettable performances in films like Chandni, Lamhe, Mr. India, Chaalbaaz, and Sadma. A Padma Shri awardee, Sridevi made significant contributions to Indian cinema, with her work spanning Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada films. Her final film, Mom, earned her the Best Actress National Award posthumously, solidifying her enduring legacy in the industry.

Boney Kapoor’s emotional tribute to Sridevi highlights how her legacy continues to inspire and guide him, even in her absence.