Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his residence in Mumbai’s Bandra area early Thursday in what police suspect was an attempted burglary. The incident occurred around 2:30 am while the actor and his family were asleep in their 12th-floor flat in the Satguru Sharan building.

According to officials, the intruder did not break into the apartment but is believed to have sneaked in earlier in the night. Khan sustained multiple injuries after being stabbed by the assailant, who fled the scene using the staircase. The actor was immediately rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where doctors performed a lengthy surgery to remove a knife lodged in his back. Medical staff later confirmed that Khan was out of danger and recovering.

The shocking incident has drawn attention to the rising crime rate in Bandra, particularly targeting high-profile individuals. Actor Raveena Tandon expressed her outrage and concern over the safety of celebrities in the upscale Mumbai locality.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Tandon wrote, “Targeting celebrities and soft targets in what used to be a safe residential area has become rampant, with Bandra losing out to unruly elements.”

She further highlighted issues plaguing the area, stating, “Accident scams, hawker mafia, encroachers, land grabbers, and criminal elements racing on bikes [engaged in] phone and chain grabbing. Need stronger measures. Wishing you a speedy recovery.”

Tandon, who herself faced a mob attack last year in Mumbai following allegations of rash driving against her driver, said the growing criminal activities in the area require immediate attention. In a later interview, she revealed that her own attack was premeditated, citing findings by Mumbai Police.

The attack on Saif Ali Khan has reignited discussions on the safety of high-profile residents in Mumbai’s posh neighbourhoods. Many have called for stronger law enforcement measures and increased vigilance to curb the growing number of crimes targeting prominent individuals.

As the investigation continues, police are analyzing security footage from the building to identify and apprehend the suspect. Meanwhile, fans and colleagues from the film industry have poured in their support for Khan, wishing him a speedy recovery.