Telugu superstar Allu Arjun who made people crazy with his recently released film “Pushpa 2” was arrested on Friday morning following the stampede at Sandhya theatre during the premiere of a film. Let us tell you that this incident took place on December 4 when the life of 35-year-old Revathi was over and her son was left seriously injured in the stampede.

Allu Arjun

Let us tell you that Allu Arjun is the fourth person who got arrested in the case. He was taken from his home to the Chikkadpally police station by the police for questioning. His arrest has sparked outrage, with fans and friends coming out in his support. Stars including Rashmika Mandanna, Nani, Vivek Oberoi, Varun Dhawan, and political leader Jagan Mohan Reddy all extended their support to the actor, calling the arrest unjustified.

Ravi Kishan

Another close friend of Allu Arjun and famous Bhojpuri star Ravi Kishan, expressed his disappointment on the arrest of Allu and called the day a ‘black mark’ for the film industry. While talking to one of the media houses, he said, “It is a black day for the entire fraternity, the film industry, and all his fans across the world. Allu Arjun is a taxpayer who has brought tremendous business to cinema, he is a National Award-winning actor and he is a very decent person. Do you have any personal grudge against him? The Congress government, the Chief Minister and the administration there should answer why they behaved like this with this artist. Is there personal revenge behind this?’

Allu Arjun

Ravi Kishan further said, ‘Are you behaving like this with a personal revenge? Are you dancing? Today it seems that any artist can be dragged and treated like this just because he is from a certain state ruled by the Congress, I don’t understand why this is happening and he has to answer for it. His fans, not just across India but across the world, deserve an answer. They should understand why this is happening to someone from their community and it has hurt all of us because I personally know that a gentleman like him is being treated as if he is a terrorist, he is being thrown out of his house.’