Actor Rajpal Yadav addressed the box office failure of Baby John and speculated on whether its lead actor, Varun Dhawan, is feeling the impact. Yadav, who played Constable Ram Sevak, a deputy to Dhawan’s DCP Satya Verma in the film, shared his thoughts in a recent interview, shedding light on why the movie underperformed and praising Dhawan’s resilience.

Speaking to Bollywood Bubble, Yadav attributed the film’s poor reception to its status as a remake of the Tamil blockbuster Theri, starring Vijay. “If this wasn’t a remake, then this would have been the most well-made film of my 25-year career. But since Vijay had done it, the audience had already seen it, and because it was a remake, it affected the box office of the film,” Yadav explained.

When asked about Varun Dhawan’s state of mind following the film’s debacle, Yadav dismissed any notion of the actor being “depressed.” He described Dhawan as “a sweet boy” and commended his dedication. “Varun is very hardworking. He has always tried to do something different, and his attempts must be appreciated because it’s a big deal to take risks,” Yadav said.

Baby John, released on December 25, 2024, featured a star-studded cast, including Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, and Jackie Shroff. The film’s plot revolves around Inspector Satya Verma (Dhawan), aka Baby John, living a peaceful life with his daughter Khushi and his old friend Ram Sevak (Yadav). However, his dark past unravels, leading to a deadly confrontation with Babar Sher (Shroff) as he seeks vengeance and tackles the exploitation of women.

Despite its high production value, Baby John failed to resonate with critics and audiences. A review by News18 Showsha criticized its lacklustre script and direction, stating, “The film falters in its writing and direction. The plot feels stretched, with a sluggish first half that echoes Akshay Kumar’s Rowdy Rathore. Although the second half gains momentum, it remains predictable, lacking suspense or originality.”

Made on a budget of Rs 180 crore, the movie grossed less than Rs 50 crore, marking a significant loss. Despite the setback, Dhawan’s determination to experiment and take risks remains a talking point in Bollywood circles.