Bollywood icon Kareena Kapoor Khan continues to reign supreme in the hearts of her fans after decades in the industry. However, a recent remark by Pakistani actor Khaqan Shahnawaz has left her admirers fuming. During a television show hosted by Geo Urdu, Shahnawaz suggested he could play Kareena’s son in a film, a comment many found disrespectful and delusional.
The controversy began when a fan on the show expressed their wish to see Shahnawaz act alongside Kareena. In response, the actor quipped, “Accha, I can play her son. Yeah, I can definitely play her son.” He added, “Kareena ji bohot badi hain. Unke saath beta ban sakta hoon” (Kareena is much older. I could play her son only).
Fans of the Bollywood superstar were quick to react on social media, with many criticizing the Pakistani actor for his comments. “She wouldn’t even stand on a stage with you; you think she’ll do a film with you? And by the way, she’s 43—that’s nothing of an age,” one fan wrote. Another user commented, “Isko role kaun de raha hai?” (Who is even giving him roles?).
Others were harsher in their critique. One fan called Shahnawaz “delusional,” while another remarked, “If age shaming had a face.” Another comment read, “Kareena ke bete dekho pehle, phir apni shakal sheeshe mein dekh lo” (Look at Kareena’s real sons first, then look at yourself in the mirror).
Many fans also questioned whether Kareena Kapoor Khan even knows who Shahnawaz is. One wrote, “Kareena wouldn’t even hire him to carry her bags,” while another said, “Who are you, by the way? As if Kareena would ever work with you!”
Shahnawaz, a Pakistani TV actor, is known for his roles in Hadsa (2023), Sukoon (2023), and College Gate (2023).
Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor Khan continues to dominate Bollywood with her recent performances. Her role in Rohit Shetty’s Singham Again has been a box-office hit, while her OTT debut in Sujoy Ghosh’s Jaane Jaan earned her critical acclaim. She was also seen in The Buckingham Murders and Crew this year, solidifying her position as one of the most versatile actresses in the industry.