Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh, currently touring India for his Dil-Luminati concert series, has received a notice from the Telangana government ahead of his performance in Hyderabad on Friday, November 15. The notice, issued by the Department of Welfare of Women and Children, Disabled, and Senior Citizens of Ranga Reddy district, directs Dosanjh to refrain from performing songs that promote drugs, alcohol, or violence.

The directive comes after a representation from Panditrao Dharenavar, a Chandigarh-based activist, who submitted video evidence alleging that Dosanjh’s recent performances included songs with themes of drug use, alcohol consumption, and violence. Additionally, the notice has warned the singer against involving children in his concert.

“You are directed not to use children during your live show where peak sound pressure level is above 120 dB,” the notice stated, emphasising that children under 13 should not be exposed to such high decibel levels.

Dil-Luminati Tour Gains Momentum

Diljit Dosanjh’s Dil-Luminati tour has been drawing massive crowds across India. After a sold-out show in Jaipur on November 3, the singer is set to perform in multiple cities. Following the Hyderabad concert, he will take the stage in Ahmedabad on November 17, and Lucknow on November 22. The tour will also include performances in Pune on November 24 and Kolkata on November 30.


The tour continues into December with scheduled stops in Bengaluru, Indore, Chandigarh, and Guwahati. Fans can find concert details on the Bandsintown platform, where tickets for the earlier shows were reportedly sold out within minutes.

Concerns Over Content and Safety

The Telangana government’s notice highlights growing concerns about the influence of pop culture on youth and children. Dharenavar’s complaint has intensified scrutiny of the entertainment industry’s role in promoting socially harmful themes.


While Diljit has yet to respond publicly to the notice, the incident underscores the challenges artists face in balancing creative freedom with societal expectations. The Hyderabad concert is expected to proceed as planned, albeit under close watch from authorities to ensure compliance with the directives.

Dosanjh, a versatile entertainer known for his acting and singing, remains one of India’s most popular performers, and the Dil-Luminati tour marks his much-anticipated return to Indian stages.