Keerthy Suresh who recently tied the knot with her boyfriend Antony Thattil made her first appearance after her wedding. The actress will soon be seen in Vraun Dhawan starrer ‘Baby John’ and attended an event with her co-actors. The South Indian actress is seen in a beautiful orange dress in the video going viral online from the event but what caught everyone’s attention was her mangalsutra. The actress wore a traditional mangalsutra at the events where she was spotted with Varun Dhawan and Vamika Gabbi.

Keerthy Suresh

Let us tell you that Keerthy Suresh married Antony Thattil in Goa in an intimate wedding after dating for 15 years. Keerthy and her wedding photographer shared the wedding pictures on their respective Instagram handles. Keerthy put up the first pictures on social media with the caption, ‘#ForTheLoveOfNyke.’ The pictures also finally revealed the identity of Keerthy’s husband. The photos received a lot of love from fans and friends. Stars like Raashi Khanna and Hansika Motwani congratulated her.

Keerthy Suresh

According to some of the media reports, Antony is a businessman who works from Dubai and his home in Kochi. He owns several resorts in Kochi and also has some businesses in Chennai, Keerthy’s home. Despite being a thriving businessman, Antony prefers to keep his life away from the media and refrains from sharing his life on the internet.

Keerthy Suresh

If we talk about the relationship Keerthy and Antony, then let us tell you that they have been dating for about 15 years. They met when the actress was in high school and Antony was pursuing graduation. Despite such a long relationship, the couple never shared their pictures on social media, nor were they ever seen together on coffee dates or dinner dates. We must say they looked very beautiful on their big day and opted for a traditional attire.