These days Bollywood celebrities are on the hit list of money laundering cases. In the same sequence now the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has recorded the statement of actress Mallika Sherawat and a TV artist in a money laundering investigation against a betting website owned by some Pakistani nationals. Let us tell you that, his website also illegally broadcasts T20 World Cup matches. The agency conducted fresh searches in Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune last week as part of its investigation against the portal ‘Magicwin’.

Mallika Sherawat

According to some of the media reports, the agency had questioned Mallika Sherawat and popular TV artist Pooja Banerjee to answer some questions in the case of money laundering through email or an official representative. The officer of the agency said that 48-year-old actress Mallika Sherawat recorded her statement last week by sending her answers through an authorized representative and email at the Ahmedabad office of the ED.

Pooja Banerjee

If we talk about Pooja Banerjee, then let us tell you that the actress testified before the Investigating Officer (IO) and recorded her statement under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Let us tell you that Mallika Sherawat has played important roles in many Hindi films. At the same time, if talk about Pooja Banerjee’s work front then let us tell you that she has appeared in ‘Kasauti Zindagi Ki’.

Mallika Sherawat

According to some of the media sources, both of them have done some promotional activity related to ‘Magicwin’, and prima facie they are not found to be accused in the case. The agency may soon question some more actors and celebrities in this case and the ED had said that several B-town celebrities who attended a launch party organized for the portal and endorsed ‘Magicwin’ are under the scanner. These celebrities also did video and photo shoots for Magicwin and posted them on their social media accounts to promote it.