South Indian actress Sreeleela is in the news these days after her energetic performance on the song ‘Kissik’ with South superstar Allu Arjun in the recently released film ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’. The film is still doing wonders at the box office and is immensely loved by the fans. Now at this time, a video of Sreeleela has surfaced on social media in which she is seen with Saif Ali Khan’s son Ibrahim Ali Khan. While both of them posed for the camera in front of the paparazzi, later Ibrahim was seen dancing standing at a distance, seeing which Sreeleela laughed.

Sreeleela And Ibrahim Ali Khan

Many videos and pictures of Ibrahim Ali Khan and Sreeleela have surfaced on social media, in which first both are seen posing together on camera for paps. After this Sreeleela is seen posing solo and Ibrahim is seen standing at the back. However, in the next moment in the video, something happens that Sreeleela cannot stop laughing. Actually, when Sreeleela is posing solo, Ibrahim standing in a corner is seen dancing to the ‘Kissik’ song and seeing him, the ‘Pushpa 2’ actress bursts out laughing.

Sreeleela And Ibrahim Ali Khan

On the other hand, seeing both of them together, several speculations are made about the stars and it is now being said whether both of them are going to be seen together in some project or are they dating? According to some of the media reports, Sreeleela and Ibrahim had reached the office of Maddock Films and attended a meeting.

Sreeleela And Ibrahim Ali Khan

Let us tell you that Sreeleela who rocked the song ‘Kissik’ in ‘Pushpa 2’, was last seen with Mahesh Babu in ‘Guntur Karam’. However, even though the film did not perform well at the box office, Sreeleela definitely got praise for her acting. And if we talk about Ibrahim then let us tell you that he has many films including ‘Robin Hood’, ‘Mass Jatha’ and ‘Ustad Bhagat Singh’, etc in his account.