Days after singer Mika Singh alleged that comedian Kapil Sharma caused a ruckus outside social media personality Kamaal R Khan’s (KRK) residence, KRK has come forward with his version of events. In a recent video on his YouTube channel, KRK recounted the altercation, accusing both Mika and Kapil of being drunk and causing a scene at his Mumbai home.

KRK claimed that the duo attempted to enter his residence late at night but was stopped by his security team. “Mika Singh claimed that he and Kapil Sharma came to my house in Mumbai and misbehaved with me. You can Google the incident. In reality, both he and Kapil were drunk that night. They came to my house and asked the security guard to meet me, but he didn’t let them in. So, they got pictures clicked below my house and started insisting on meeting me,” KRK said, as quoted by The Indian Express.

KRK further alleged that when Mika and Kapil refused to leave, his security guards were forced to intervene. “They were drunk and were refusing to leave, so my security guards had to slap them. They were thrown out, and that night Kapil tweeted something. When I saw those tweets in the morning, I reacted to them,” KRK added.

The controversy took another turn when KRK claimed that Mika apologised the following day. “Both Mika and I are neighbours. The next day, I went to his house and roughed him up. I warned him never to repeat this, and later he apologised,” he stated.

The saga began when Mika, in an interview with The Lallantop, revealed details of the incident. He alleged that Kapil was upset with KRK around 2012-2013 and wanted to confront him. Mika said Kapil insisted on visiting KRK’s residence despite his advice against it. “When he realised that KRK was my neighbour, Kapil wanted to just beat him up. We went to his house at around 4-5 am, but KRK wasn’t home. His staff came out, and I told Kapil this is it. So, he broke glasses at his home and created a ruckus,” Mika claimed.

The incident, which resurfaced after more than a decade, continues to draw attention, with both sides presenting conflicting accounts.