Amber Heard, the actress known for her roles in films like Aquaman, has announced that she is expecting her second child. A spokesperson confirmed the news, revealing that while Heard’s pregnancy is still in its early stages, she is thrilled by the upcoming addition to her family. This announcement comes three years after she welcomed her first daughter, Oonagh, in 2021.

“Suffice to say that Amber is delighted both for herself and Oonagh Paige,” the spokesperson shared with People Magazine. The announcement of her pregnancy marks a significant and joyful new chapter for the actress, who has spoken openly about how becoming a mother has positively impacted her life.

In a deeply personal decision, Heard chose to become a mother on her own terms. In 2021, she took to Instagram to share her thoughts about motherhood, accompanied by an image of her cradling baby Oonagh. In the post, she reflected on her journey, saying, “Four years ago, I decided I wanted to have a child, and I chose to do it independently. I now appreciate how radical it is for women to consider such a monumental part of our lives in this way.”

Heard has described her daughter Oonagh as the beginning of a new and fulfilling chapter in her life. She has often expressed that motherhood has brought her immense joy and a fresh perspective.

In recent years, Heard has also been in the public eye due to her high-profile legal battles with ex-husband Johnny Depp. Despite the media frenzy surrounding her personal life, the actress remains focused on her family and career. Heard was most recently seen in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023), where she reprised her role as Mera.

As Amber Heard prepares to embrace motherhood for the second time, she continues to move forward in both her personal and professional life with optimism and grace.