Actor Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai on Thursday after suffering multiple stab wounds during a burglary attempt at his residence. Contrary to earlier reports suggesting that Ibrahim Ali Khan accompanied Saif, it was his younger son, Taimur Ali Khan, who was by his side.
Incident Details
The attack occurred during the early hours of Thursday, leaving Saif with six stab wounds. Despite his injuries, he managed to reach the hospital with the knife still embedded in his body. According to Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, Saif walked into the hospital “like a lion,” accompanied by his 7-year-old son, Taimur. “Saif Ali Khan is a real hero,” Uttamani added, stating that the actor has been shifted from the ICU to a regular room and is on the path to recovery.
“I was the first one to meet Saif Ali Khan when he came to the hospital. He was drenched in blood, but he walked in like a lion with his small child, Taimur. Saif Ali Khan is a real hero. He is doing well. He has been shifted from the ICU to a normal room.”
Visitor Restrictions and Investigation
Doctors have restricted visitors to Saif’s room to prevent infections. Meanwhile, Mumbai police have detained a suspect connected to the attack but are still searching for the main intruder. Over 35 police teams have been formed to track the attacker, who also injured two of Saif’s staff members during the incident at his Bandra home, Satguru Sharan.
Saif’s Condition
The doctors have confirmed Saif is recovering steadily and even walked earlier today. A visual of the knife recovered from his body during surgery has surfaced online, adding to the intensity of the case.
Ongoing Investigation
With the police working tirelessly to bring the attacker to justice, updates on Saif’s recovery and the investigation are eagerly awaited.