Beautiful Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor, who showed her acting skills in the blockbuster film ‘Stree 2’ that was released this year, likes to keep her personal life private. She often remains silent on the news of her link-up and affair in the media. But recently Shraddha shocked people through her post and she has shared such a post on her official social media that once again there is talk about her personal life.

Shraddha Kapoor And Rahul Mody

Let us tell you that Shraddha Kapoor has tagged her alleged boyfriend in her recent Instagram story and has teased him. Actually, for a long time, there have been reports of Shraddha Kapoor’s link-up with Rahul Mody who is reportedly a part of the industry. The actress shared a post on Insta Story on Thursday night, in which she is seen enjoying Mumbai’s famous Vada Pav. In the post shared by the actress, she tagged her alleged boyfriend Rahul Mody and jokingly wrote, ‘I will always keep bullying you to bring me Vada Pav’.

Shraddha Kapoor’s Post

With this post, Shraddha has used Kishore Kumar’s classic song ‘Yeh Vaada Raha’ in the background. This post of Shraddha has caught the attention of the fans and with this, once again the discussion on her personal life has started. Let us tell you that in the past, media reports said that Shraddha and Rahul had parted ways. At the same time, media reports claimed that Shraddha had unfollowed Rahul on her social media as well. However, Rahul was following the actress.

Shraddha Kapoor And Rahul Mody

Let us tell you that Shraddha’s post has come out amid speculations of a breakup. Recently, Shraddha Kapoor, while talking about her relationship with Rahul during a media interview, said, ‘I love spending time with my partner. I like watching movies, going to dinner, or traveling with him’. The news of Rahul and Shraddha dating started coming earlier this year when they were spotted together several times.