Actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh addressed fans during his concert on November 3 as part of the Dil-Luminati Tour, apologising to those affected by a recent ticketing scam. The performance at the Jaipur Exhibition and Convention Centre (JECC) drew a large crowd, and Dosanjh took a moment on stage to acknowledge the situation.

“If anyone has fallen victim to a ticketing scam, I apologise to that person. We have not done this,” Diljit stated. He urged fans to remain vigilant, advising them to “stay away from those involved in the scam,” as authorities are currently investigating the matter.

The ticketing issue arose after tickets for the concert sold out rapidly, surprising even Dosanjh’s team. “Our tickets sold out so fast, even we didn’t get to know,” he added, highlighting the overwhelming demand for his performances.

Before the concert, Jaipur Police issued a warning about counterfeit ticket scams related to the event. An advisory posted on X (formerly Twitter) cautioned attendees: “SCAM ALERT!! Beware of fake tickets! Only valid tickets will be valid for entry into Diljit Dosanjh’s concert. Only tickets sold by Zomato Live and Scope Entertainment are valid; all others are illegal.” The police reiterated that entry would not be granted with fake tickets and encouraged fans to avoid unauthorized sellers.

The high demand for his performances led Dosanjh to announce additional shows in September, expanding the Dil-Luminati Tour to various cities across India, including Delhi, Chandigarh, Guwahati, Pune, Indore, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Lucknow, Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad.

Earlier this year, Diljit completed a successful tour in Europe, performing in major cities such as Paris, London, Dublin, and Amsterdam. He made headlines in April as the first Punjabi artist to perform at Vancouver’s BC Place Stadium and became the first Indian artist to grace the cover of Billboard Canada.

On the film front, Diljit is set to appear in upcoming projects including Border 2, directed by JP Dutta, alongside Sunny Deol and Varun Dhawan. He is also featured in No Entry 2, sharing the screen with Arjun Kapoor and Varun Dhawan.

As the Dil-Luminati Tour continues, Diljit Dosanjh remains a prominent figure in the Indian music and film industry, captivating audiences with his performances while addressing the challenges that come with such popularity.