Bhavika Sharma, widely loved for her portrayal of Savi Chavan in the popular Star Plus drama Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein, has announced her exit from the show. Known for her on-screen chemistry with co-stars Shakti Arora and Rajat Bharadwaj, Bhavika has captured the hearts of viewers. However, the show is set to undergo a significant transformation, marking the end of its current storyline and cast.

Show to Undergo a Leap and Revamp

In an interview with Pinkvilla, Bhavika confirmed the rumours of a major leap in the show. “Yes, we are going ahead with the leap. No, I won’t be a part of it. Nobody is going to be a part of the show,” she revealed. According to the actress, the makers are planning an entirely new chapter for the series. “They will start a new chapter—a new season with a different story,” she added, confirming that the upcoming changes would involve a fresh storyline and cast.

The actress also expressed her optimism about future opportunities. “If I get good offers, why not?” she said, hinting at her plans to explore new projects.

About ‘Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin’

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has been a favourite among viewers since its debut. The show originally followed the journey of Sai Joshi, an aspiring doctor forced into a marriage with police officer Virat Chavan. The storyline later shifted to Savi Chavan, the daughter of Virat and Sai, and her struggles. Savi’s narrative involved two marriages—first to Ishaan Bhosle, who tragically dies, and later to Rajat Thakkar, a disillusioned man who doesn’t believe in love but marries her to protect his daughter, Saisha Thakkar.

Despite its consistent ratings, the decision to revamp the show aims to keep audiences engaged with fresh content. Fans of Bhavika Sharma and the current cast will undoubtedly miss their favourite characters, but the announcement has sparked anticipation for the new chapter of the show.

As Bhavika steps away from Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, her fans are eagerly awaiting her next move in the entertainment industry.