After making his acting debut with Maharaj in 2024, Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan is gearing up for his first silver-screen release with Loveyapa. The film pairs him with Khushi Kapoor, the younger daughter of late Bollywood legend Sridevi and sister to Janhvi Kapoor. Khushi, too, is relatively new to the industry, having made her debut in 2023 with The Archies.

The first song from Loveyapa, titled “Loveyapa Ho Gaya,” dropped last week, sparking a mixed response online. While many appreciated the budding chemistry between Junaid and Khushi, the song itself left some viewers puzzled, with reactions ranging from mild confusion to outright criticism.

Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan recently weighed in on the project. In an interview with ANI, he revealed that he had seen a rough cut of the film and found it “entertaining and fun.” Aamir also praised the cast, reserving special words of appreciation for Khushi Kapoor. “When I watched the film, I felt as though I was watching Sridevi ji. Khushi’s energy reminded me so much of her mother. And I am a huge fan of Sridevi ji,” he said.

However, Aamir’s comparison of Khushi to the late Sridevi did not sit well with many netizens. Clips of his statement went viral, attracting trolls and skeptical comments online. One user remarked, “Pls yaar. Itna toh jhooth mat bolo,” while another quipped, “Junaid be like, ‘Itna bhi jhoot mat bolo.’” Referring to Aamir’s previous release, Laal Singh Chaddha (2022), another comment suggested, “Calm down, guys! He’s still processing the trauma of Laal Singh Chaddha.”

Despite the backlash, Khushi Kapoor’s portrayal of Betty Cooper in The Archies was well-received, and her performance in the song from Loveyapa has also garnered praise. As for Junaid, his debut film Maharaj showcased his acting potential, setting expectations high for this release.

Loveyapa, a romantic drama, is slated to hit theatres on February 7, 2025. Whether Junaid and Khushi’s on-screen chemistry can win over audiences remains to be seen, but the film is already generating significant buzz in the industry.