Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has returned home six days after a brutal knife attack at his Bandra residence. The actor was discharged from Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday, where he had been recovering from the injuries.


Saif made his first public appearance after his discharge, dressed in a crisp white shirt, denim jeans, and glasses, showcasing his signature style. With a cast on his hand, the actor was surrounded by a team of security personnel as he arrived home.


Earlier in the day, his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, was spotted outside Lilavati Hospital, indicating that preparations were underway for Saif’s return.


The incident, which occurred on January 16, left Saif with multiple stab wounds. The actor underwent surgery to remove the knife and repair leaking spinal fluid. Fortunately, doctors have confirmed that Saif is now out of danger and on the path to recovery.


Despite the ordeal, Saif took a moment to wave at the media and fans who had gathered outside his residence to catch a glimpse of him.

The actor’s resilience has been widely praised, and fans are relieved to see him recovering after such a traumatic experience.