Kareena Kapoor Khan has opened up about the harrowing attack on her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, at their Bandra residence during the early hours of Thursday. In her statement to the Bandra Police on Friday, Ms. Kapoor revealed witnessing the intruder stabbing Mr. Khan multiple times.
“The attacker was aggressive. I saw him attack Saif repeatedly… Our priority was to take Saif to the hospital,” she told investigators.
According to Ms. Kapoor, the attack unfolded as Mr. Khan tried to shield their children, Taimur and Jehangir (Jeh), from harm. “When the attacker could not reach Jeh, he attacked Saif multiple times,” she added.
Following the incident, a shaken Ms. Kapoor sought refuge at her sister Karisma Kapoor’s house, while Mr. Khan underwent emergency surgery. “After the attack, I was terrified, so Karisma took me to her house,” she said.
Saif Ali Khan’s Condition and Medical Update
Mr. Khan sustained serious injuries, with doctors at Lilavati Hospital revealing that he was stabbed six times. The attack resulted in spinal fluid leakage, as fragments of the assailant’s knife lodged in his spine. However, his recovery has been encouraging. “Mr. Khan is stable and responding well to treatment,” hospital sources confirmed, adding that he may be discharged in a few days.
Details of the Incident
The intruder allegedly entered the actor’s 11th-floor residence at the Satguru Sharan building in Bandra, reportedly intending to commit burglary. Police sources said the attacker climbed an adjacent wall, used a fire escape to access the apartment, and spent about 30 minutes inside.
Jeh’s nanny, who first encountered the assailant, stated that he demanded ₹1 crore before Mr. Khan intervened, leading to the violent attack.
CCTV footage recovered from the building shows the intruder entering through the stairs and fleeing after the assault.
Police Investigation Underway
The Mumbai Police have formed 20 teams, including 10 Crime Branch units, to investigate the case. Statements from over 30 individuals, including a carpenter who recently worked at the residence, have been recorded.
While one person was briefly detained on Friday, no arrests have been made yet. Authorities continue to analyze CCTV footage from the Bandra area as they intensify their search for the suspect.
This chilling attack has left the Bandra neighbourhood on edge, with residents calling for enhanced security measures.