A recent viral video from the Mahakumbh 2025 has captured a dramatic altercation involving Mahakal Giri Baba, also known as the Hatha Yogi. In the footage, the baba is seen striking a YouTuber with a pair of tongs, or chimta, after being questioned and filmed without consent.

Mahakumbh viral video: Irked by questions, Mahakal Giri Baba thrashes a YouTuber with a ‘chimta'.

The video depicts the YouTuber holding a microphone and interviewing Mahakal Giri Baba, who was seated in a makeshift tent with one hand raised in a meditative pose. When asked when he joined the sect, the baba replied, “Since childhood.” However, as the YouTuber continued to probe about the hymns he sings to God, the visibly annoyed baba abruptly picked up his chimta, stood up, and began hitting the man while exclaiming, “Kya tamasha hai ye? (What is this nonsense?).” The YouTuber quickly fled the scene as the baba shouted, “He will speak ill of saints…”

Watch video here :

Mahakumbh 2025

The Mahakumbh, the world’s largest spiritual congregation, began on January 13, attracting over 1.65 crore devotees on the first day, all seeking moksha by taking a sacred dip in the Sangam. With over 40 crore attendees anticipated over 45 days, including international visitors, this event holds immense significance.

According to spiritual leaders, this year’s celestial configurations make the Mahakumbh especially auspicious, occurring once in 144 years. In his message, Prime Minister Narendra Modi described the event as a celebration of India’s spiritual heritage, faith, and cultural harmony.