Singer Javed Ali, renowned for his hits like Kun Faya Kun, recently shared his perspective on Diljit Dosanjh’s comments regarding India’s concert infrastructure. During a performance in Chandigarh, Diljit had expressed his dissatisfaction with the country’s live show setups, stating that he would refrain from holding concerts in India until the infrastructure improves.

In an interview with ANI, Javed Ali emphasized his deep love for India and the respect he enjoys as an artist in the country. “Wherever we go, we receive so much love. In our country, people treat artists with great respect. I don’t think such love exists anywhere else,” he remarked. Addressing the state of concert setups, Ali added, “If you are respected at home, that’s what matters the most. No matter where you go, you won’t find the same joy. I love my country.”

Meanwhile, Javed Ali has released a new single, Kismat, in collaboration with American-Indian composer Ayaz Ismail. The song, which debuted on December 9, was conceptualized during Javed’s 2022 USA tour. Reflecting on the collaboration, Ali shared, “It was very interesting. I was on a 40-day tour in America when Ayaz approached me about working together. I thought it was a great idea since we had collaborated earlier on the song Wirdd, which received a lot of appreciation.”

Ayaz Ismail, based in Dallas, Texas, is celebrated for blending Indian classical music with modern genres. He has collaborated with notable artists like Shaan and Mohit Chauhan.

Kismat is now available on Ayaz Ismail’s official YouTube channel, offering a unique fusion of styles and showcasing the synergy between the two artists.

Diljit, during his Chandigarh concert, had expressed his concerns in Punjabi, saying, “Here, we don’t have the infrastructure for live shows. This generates significant revenue and provides employment for many people. Next time, I’ll try to have the stage at the center, surrounded by the audience. Until this happens, I won’t do shows in India, that’s for sure.”