South Indian actress who made her mark in Bollywood as well Sobhita Dhulipala is enjoying her honeymoon period these days. This year proved to be a huge hit for her and there are many reasons for happiness in the actress’ life. On one hand, she has started a new chapter of her life with her love Naga Chaitanya. On the other hand, she has also garnered a lot of discussion on the career front. The interesting thing is that this year her acting was seen at the global level because she became a part of a Hollywood project.

Sobhita Dhulipala

The actress’s life is full of happiness and has expressed happiness through a social media post. Let us tell you that Shobhita has shared a post on her official Instagram handle, in which she is seen celebrating her Hollywood debut and marriage with her long-term boyfriend Naga Chaitanya this year and then her participation in the Cannes Film Festival as well.

Sobhita Dhulipala

Let us tell you that Sobhita has shared a video on social media in which she has presented a glimpse of the memorable moments of the year. It has pictures from her presence in Cannes to her Hollywood debut and marriage. With this, Sobhita has written, ‘This year has been very energizing. It has also proved to be encouraging and above all, it has proved to be satisfying in life. Thank you very much year 2024’.

Sobhita Dhulipala

Let us tell you that Sobhita Dhulipala turned to Hollywood this year and has appeared in the film ‘Monkey Man’ with actor Dev Patel. Sobhita gave an interview for this film 9 years ago which is available on Amazon Prime Video. At the same time, on 4 December 2024, the actress got married to Naga Chaitanya in an intimate wedding in Hyderabad in the presence of close friends. Apart from this, she also stole a lot of limelight with her stylish looks at the Cannes Film Festival.