The marriage of the late Bollywood actress Sridevi and Boney Kapoor was a topic of discussion in Bollywood at that time. It is said that when Boney Kapoor saw Sridevi for the first time, he became crazy about her and decided to marry her at any cost. After a few years of their marriage, when Boney Kapoor started gaining weight and started losing hair, the actress was very disappointed. The actress was so disappointed with her husband that she told Boney that when she met him for the first time he was slim, tall, and good-looking.

Boney Kapoor And Sridevi

Boney Kapoor recently attended an interview in which he revealed the disappointment the actress had in him due to his weight gain. During a conversation with one of the media houses, Boney Kapoor talked about his weight loss and hair makeover journey. The actor-producer talked about his weight loss and hair change journey and credited his late wife and actress Sridevi for making him pay attention to his looks.

Boney Kapoor And Sridevi

Recalling Sridevi’s words, Boney said that she used to tell him, “When I met you, you were slim, tall, and good-looking and now you…” Boney Kapoor further said that when Sridevi would ask him to lose weight, he would say that after she came into his life, what more could he want? However, the late actress wanted him to lose weight due to health reasons.

Boney Kapoor And Sridevi

Boney Kapoor further said that his wife would tell him that if he wanted to do something with his hair, he should first lose weight and that is exactly what he did. The producer further said that he used to motivate himself to lose weight by watching himself on the monitor while working on the film “Tu Jhoothi ​​Main Makkar” with Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor.