Like common people, Bollywood celebrities also celebrate Christmas every year with great enthusiasm. This time the celebrities who are discussed for celebrating the festival are none other than Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. Let us tell you that the couple’s Christmas party was held at Alia’s maternal home. Actually, Mahesh Bhatt held a Christmas party at his home for his family, children, and some of his close friends. Now his wife Soni Razdan has also shared many glimpses of this party held at home.

Alia Bhatt Celebrating Christmas

Soni Razdan has shown how she had arranged the Christmas party at her home for son-in-law Ranbir, daughter Alia, and granddaughter Raha. In the videos and pictures shared by Soni on her social media beautifully decorated the dinner table, with several elements on the table that melted the heart of the netizens instantly, like the elegant crockery, candles, and Christmas-themed decorations.

Alia Bhatt Celebrating Christmas

At the same time, her daughter and sister of Alia, Pooja Bhatt thanked Soni for this party and has also shown some glimpses, with which she has praised Soni Razdan for this wonderful preparation and delicious pudding. Let us tell you that on Tuesday night, Mahesh Bhatt organized a Christmas dinner party at his home for only family and close people which was attended by Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Raha, Neetu Kapoor, Pooja Bhatt, Shaheen Bhatt and many others attended this party.

Alia Bhatt Celebrated Christmas

Let us tell you that both Alia Bhatt and her daughter Raha looked immensely beautiful in these pictures. If we talk about Alia’s look then let us tell you that she adorned herself in a beautiful yellow dress while Ranbir Kapoor looked immensely handsome in a casual jacket with a white T-Shirt holding his little angel Raha dressed in a red dress in his lap.