The popular television show Anupamaa, starring Rupali Ganguly, has found itself embroiled in controversy yet again. The spotlight is now on actress Alisha Parveen, who played Rahi, after her abrupt removal from the show. Initially reported as an exit, Alisha later revealed that she had been replaced without any prior notice or explanation.

Confirming the development, Alisha took to Instagram to share her side of the story. She posted a video featuring clips of her and co-star Shivam Khajuria from Anupamaa, alongside a heartfelt caption expressing her disappointment and gratitude toward her fans.

“I didn’t quit; I was replaced. This was so, so hard for me!” Alisha wrote. “When you give so much strength, power, love, happiness—everything—to your character, and then you are replaced overnight without knowing, it feels like heartbreak. But I am smiling just because of all of you—your support, your love! Always your Rahi! Thank you so much for the love. #Pradhya #Anupamaa.”

The emotional post drew an outpouring of support from fans, who flooded the comment section with encouraging messages. One fan wrote, “More power to you,” while another commented, “You’ll always be our Rahi.” Others expressed admiration and wished her happiness for the future.

Alisha joined Anupamaa in October 2024 as Rahi, also known as Aadhya, following the show’s 15-year leap. However, her tenure was cut short after just two months. Her replacement, Adrija Roy, has been officially announced and will be seen opposite Shivam Khajuria in upcoming episodes.

The sudden casting change has sparked speculation about the reasons behind Alisha’s removal, but no official statement has been issued by the production team.

Anupamaa Continues Amid Cast Changes

Currently, Anupamaa features Rupali Ganguly in the titular role, along with Spreha Chatterjee, Shivam Khajuria, and Alpana Buch, among others. Despite its ongoing popularity, the show has faced criticism for recent controversies, including cast alterations and storyline decisions.

While Alisha Parveen’s exit remains a point of discussion, the introduction of Adrija Roy has piqued curiosity among viewers, who are eager to see how the new dynamics unfold in the storyline. For now, fans continue to rally behind Alisha, expressing hope for her future endeavors.