After Mukesh Khanna, another prominent figure, Kumar Vishwas, stirred controversy by indirectly targeting Shatrughan Sinha and his daughter Sonakshi Sinha. In a viral video, Vishwas made comments about teaching the Ramayana to children, which many social media users interpreted as a subtle dig at the Sinha family, especially Sonakshi, following her recent marriage.

Without naming anyone, Vishwas emphasized the importance of educating children about Hindu epics, stating, “Teach your children the Ramayana. The name of your house may be ‘Ramayana,’ but someone else might snatch away the ‘Lakshmi’ of your house.” This remark was widely perceived as a comment on Sonakshi’s interfaith marriage to Zaheer Iqbal, who hails from a Muslim family. Notably, Shatrughan Sinha’s home is named Ramayana, which led many to connect Vishwas’ words directly to the Sinha family’s recent events.

In the same video, Vishwas further elaborated, urging parents to teach their children about the Ramayana and the Geeta. “Make your children remember the names of Sita’s sisters and Lord Ram’s brothers. I am giving a hint, those who understand should applaud,” he added. His message was clear: educate the younger generation about their cultural roots. However, the mention of “Lakshmi” being taken away by someone else caused many to believe the comments were aimed at the Sinha family’s personal life, which included Sonakshi’s marriage to Zaheer.

This is not the first time Sonakshi has found herself at the centre of a controversy related to Hindu mythology. Earlier, veteran actor Mukesh Khanna had criticized her for providing an incorrect answer about the Ramayana on the quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC).

The comment made by Khanna, who has been vocal about his views on Hindu culture, had drawn significant backlash from Sonakshi, who responded by telling him to “move on” and accusing him of questioning her upbringing.

Vishwas’ recent statement has quickly gained traction on social media, with many weighing in on the debate. While some have supported his remarks on cultural education, others have slammed him for his perceived criticism of the Sinha family, particularly the interfaith aspect of Sonakshi’s marriage. As the controversy continues to unfold, the Sinha family has yet to publicly respond to the comments.