Bollywood’s power couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are often seen sharing quality time with their children. Recently, something similar happened when they were seen supporting their youngest son Jeh Ali Khan on stage when he made his first stage performance. Saif and Kareena were seen arriving together at their son’s school function this week held in Mumbai. The couple was seen in their best casual clothes for this fun-filled evening. They came with their elder son Taimur and Kareena was sitting in the crowd supporting Jeh.

Kareena Kapoor Khan With Jeh

let us tell you that a clip has gone viral online, in which Kareena is seen sitting and cheering for her son Jeh who is dressed up like an elephant. Little Jeh won everyone’s hearts during his performance. While his mother Kareena was happily waving for her son at the crowd. Kareena was all smiles seeing Jeh in the spotlight. She looked very excited to see her little Jeh like this.


Many people present at the hall praised him on seeing him on stage and told how he is in the news headlines just like his mother Kareena. Ever since the video went viral online, Kareena’s fans took a dig on social media and said, ‘After watching that video of Jeh and Kareena, I suddenly want to become a mother’. Another person wrote, ‘Bebo has made a good life for herself.’

Kareena Kapoor Khan With Jeh

Let us tell you that Bebo aka Kareena often keeps linking her film career with maternity. The actress and her husband are known to spend time with their children from the film set to home. Even they often plan their weekends together with their kids. After a long work schedule, the family of 4 is often seen together on holidays. If we talk about Kareena’s work front, then let us tell you that her next film is ‘Daara’, directed by Meghna Gulzar.