Veteran Bollywood actor Jitendra has been away from the industry for quite some time however, his daughter is ruling the industry successfully. Recently, the actor celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary with his wife Shobha Kapoor. On this special day, his fans and many stars of the industry wished him well for the anniversary. In the celebration pictures, his daughter Ekta Kapoor was seen dancing with her girl gang.

Jitendra Anniversary Celebration

Let us tell you that famous producer Ekta Kapoor, actress Riddhi Dogra, and others were seen dancing to the song ‘Oo Lala’ from ‘The Dirty Picture’ in the viral video posted on the internet. In the video shared by Ekta Kapoor on her Instagram handle, Riddhi Dogra, Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari, and other girls were seen dancing. This made the atmosphere of the party very happy.

Jitendra Anniversary Celebration

On the occasion of the couple’s wedding anniversary, actor Jitendra and his wife Shobha were seen exchanging garlands in the presence of their family and close friends. However, even during this time, both of them behaved like a newlywed couple. Jitendra was moving his head back and forth while exchanging garlands so that Shobha could not put it on. However, later he wore the garland by shaking his head and people showered flowers on him.

Jitendra Anniversary Celebration

Let us tell you that the event was organized at his Krishna bungalow in the Juhu area of ​​Mumbai, which was attended by many celebrities from the film and television industry. Sonali Bendre, Anil Kapoor, Padmini Kolhapuri, David Dhawan, and other stars made the celebrations more special by joining the event. Small screen actress and ‘Ek Hazron Me Meri Behna Hai’ fame Krystle D’Souza also shared pictures and videos of this celebration on her Instagram, in which she was seen dancing with other actresses including Ekta Kapoor.