Legendary actor Shatrughan Sinha’s daughter and beautiful Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha often shares pictures of her personal life with her fans on social media. These days she is seen having fun with her husband Zaheer Iqbal and spotted hanging out together. The couple keeps sharing glimpses of their outings on their social media account. Now Sonakshi and Zaheer have shared a video of the day out on their social media account.

Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal

The couple recently shared a video with their fans in which Zaheer says, “My talented wife and Sonakshi try to hang while playing a game”. People are loving this picture very much and showering love on them. Let us tell you that both are standing inside a park when Zaheer continues to make a video, the Sonakshi jumps to catch the rope, and the laughter of both is being liked by their fans. Sonakshi is often seen playing pranks with her husband. Zaheer captioned the video as, ‘Humesha aisi monkey wali antics’.

Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal

Recently, Sonakshi Sinha’s pregnancy rumors also gained momentum and went immensely viral. However, reacting to such rumors, the actress said, ‘Friends, I want to say here that I am not pregnant. I have just become fat, can’t I enjoy my life’. She further said that after marriage she is busy traveling and doesn’t have enough time to go to the gym. She also revealed that both of them are constantly getting lunch and dinner invitations, in which they are so busy that they do not get time to pay attention to anything else.

Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal

Let us tell you that after Sonakshi and Zaheer’s marriage, both are often seen having fun and roaming around. Recently, they also appeared with their family on Kapil Sharma’s show. The couple revealed here that after dating each other for many years, both of them decided to get married. Zaheer and Sonakshi often share their pictures. Earlier also they had shared their photo with fans, where they were seen roaming abroad.