Beautiful Bollywood actress and daughter of legendary actors Shatrughan Sinha, Sonakshi Sinha and her husband Zaheer Iqbal got married last year. Before tying the knot in the presence of close friends and family the couple dated each other for 7 years. Recently, Sonakshi Sinha was seen outside the clinic, and since the pictures of her visiting the doctor surfaced on social media, talks of her pregnancy started getting pace. But now the actress has broken her silence on this.

Sonakshi Sinha

Let us tell you that after getting so many comments and messages wishing her congratulations for delivering the baby soon, Sonakshi Sinha dismissed the pregnancy rumors and said, ‘I want to say that I am not pregnant. I have just become fat.’ The actress further said, ‘Someone congratulated my husband Zaheer Iqbal some day back. What do you want guys from us, can’t we enjoy our wedding?’

Sonakshi Sinha

Taking the conversation further, Zaheer further said, ‘He started dieting the next day.’ Let us tell you that Sonakshi and Zaheer got married on 23 June 2024 in the presence of family members and it has been only 6 months since their marriage. Their wedding was according to the Special Marriages Act and was not attended by her brothers Luv Sinha And Kush Sinha, however, they didn’t reveal the reason behind it.

Sonakshi Sinha

Recently, Sonakshi and Zaheer were seen on Kapil Sharma’s show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show Season 2’ along with Poonam and Shatrughan Sinha. On the show, her mother Poonam Sinha revealed that she had told her daughter to marry the one who loves her. But here it is the opposite. She loves Zaheer more. Let us tell you that Sonakshi started her acting career with the film ‘Dabangg’ in the year 2010 and she was seen in films like ‘Rowdy Rathore’, ‘Dabangg 2’, ‘Son of Sardar’, ‘R… Rajkumar’ and ‘Holiday’.